Zoomit - Light-weight presentation and draw tool for Windows
· ☕ 2 min read
I continue to be amazed by the depth of tools created by Sysinternals even after all the tools I have used over years. Zoomit is certainly one of them. Now, how many times have you wondered about making things a weebit exciting by drawing something on the screen while you are presenting stuff.

Valuable Site of the Month (Dec '20) - Try Simple CSS Frameworks
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It is no secret that I am a fan of Vue and Vuetify / Quasar. While the styling libraries get stuff done real quick, I often do demo projects or throw-away sites that do not need the heavy hitters. While the project development may be quick and all they enjoy is a couple of hours of show-time, I cannot quite afford to show an app without some basic styling.

The Developer Tools I Use (2021 Edition)
· ☕ 6 min read
Here are the list of tools that I use in my developer life 🔥🔥. Almost all of the tools are free, or reasonably priced. We live in exciting times - a developer in a “developing country” can do business globally by using the most amazing tools that humankind has produced.

Test Email Functionality During Development
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Here are a few simple ways and powerful tools to test your email functionality when you are developing your awesome application. The Case for Email Testing After working in CRM and dealing with millions of records, and dozens of fragile’ly built systems, I have been through imagined (and a couple of real) scenarios of email fiascos -

Free Excel Template for Scrum Projects
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Excel is the only program you need to survive in IT. So, how about a template for tracking tasks in an Agile Scrum project? Why Scrum? If you are looking for the answer on why agile / scrum - You are in the wrong site That is well beyond the scope of this post In short: Scrum is a framework to run your project using Agile methodologies.

No Tracking Information Error in Git
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Aren’t you following the right way to git? Are you frustrated with the message “There is no tracking information for the current branch”? Keep calm and read on. The Problem I create new Git repositories all the time - just like any other developer. I am too stupid to notice the small things and learn my lessons - unlike any other developer.

Email for NodeJS app using separate server on CPanel
· ☕ 3 min read
Configure email server on a third party host using CPanel, while continuing your app server on your favourite VPS. Background Typically I configure email server to be on the same server as my NodeJS / PHP app. Bad practice? Sure. But, it works just fine for the kind of applications that I write.

Fake GraphQL APIs for Testing
· ☕ 1 min read
Speed up your GraphQL learning with fake GraphQL APIs! I love JSON Placeholder, but it serves only REST requests. I had been looking for something similar in GraphQL. Without longer-term, reliable options, I had reverted to creating my own fake GraphQL server. While having my own server is certainly useful, it can become a pain to demonstrate or outline a feature to all - either through a video, blog post, or in public forums.

Modern Desktop UI Using Javascript and Qt
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One of the interesting projects that I came across recently was NodeGUI. NodeGUI describes itself as an enabler to build cross-platform desktop applications using Javascript (and React) and Qt5. Using NodeGUI, you should be able to - Create desktop applications that run on Windows, Linux or MacOS Styling with CSS Support for desktop events that are listenable from Qt Lower CPU/memory footprint Of course, the comparison with Electron is evident.

Git in VSCode
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I have been a great admirer and user of command line tools. They reduce so much time and energy while getting things done. But, on the other hand I have not been a reasonably good user of Git by itself. I could never come to terms with typing in one too many statements to get to where I was going.

Create static sites in Vue using Gridsome
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I love the simplicity, speed and awesomeness of static sites. I also happen to love Vue for its power, simplicity and its feature set that makes development that much easier. So, what will happen when Vue is combined with static sites? Awesome Gridsome - that’s what. Gridsome describes itself as a Vue-powered site generator.

Create your Own Javascript Playground
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I write quite a bit of Javascript on a day to day basis. But, I have a poor memory and keep forgetting things. Things like how I should be using a certain function the right way. This is where web applications like help. But it is not a pleasant experience to have blocks of incomplete code lying around in jscomplete, and keep executing few other parts of the program.

VS Code Shortcuts that Level Up Developer Productivity
· ☕ 2 min read
VS Code is the most useful thing discovered after sliced bread. The extension ecosystem kicks up the productivity in VS Code many notches higher. Here are a few shortcuts that you must include in your toolset to get into God-mode. 1. Prettier on Save: Quicker format Install prettier. Enable ‘Format on Save’ in Settings’.