Here are a few resources for a better developer experience on Windows PC.
Use Nerd Fonts - easier on eyes, supports programming ligatures and is also used by terminal applications.
There are numerous fonts to choose from. May I recommend -
Shared Settings
I use a shared config folder in OneDrive for easier sharing of configuration across machines. I name the folder .config
and it exists at $HOME\OneDrive\99-share\.config
Note that I can use $HOME
in Powershell.
Use VSCode - that’s all your probably need.
Vim / Neovim
Neovim is awesome, fast and can make you super efficient.
Download, install Neovim.
Using your own config can take time and effort - I found it easier to start with pre-configured setup -
Setup WSL with Ubuntu - see this tutorial.
Use ZSH.
Configure Oh my ZSH.
Start zsh
every time you open wsl.
Enter the below lines at the beginning of the file.
Edit the ~/.zshrc
and set a theme.
Find pre-configured oh-my-zsh themes here.
Starship Shell
Starship is a better shell with easy configuration.
Below setup process is for Powershell. You would have to do this for wsl > zsh too.
Create a file in the shared config folder starship.toml
Create the config file for Powershell -$HOME\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShellMicrosoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
if it does not exist. Start starship
each time Powershell is opened by using two lines in the config file.
Configure starship in $HOME\OneDrive\99-share\.config\starship.toml
Here are a bunch of pre-configured options for Starship.