Server-side technology options and my hosting solutions
· ☕ 5 min read
Last year I started focusing on web and application development to a greater extent than what I have done in the past. After having done my time with large enterprises, I now work primarily in a super cost-conscious market. All those things speak poorly about my budgeting and planning skills as far as server hosts are concerned.

Learning Resources for Laravel
· ☕ 1 min read
I had chosen Laravel as platform to create magic. I came to this decision after painful evaluation of many back-end frameworks to quickly build out applications. Laravel is easy to learn, implement and ship products Many features like auth, ORM are built in and I don’t really need to make my own stupid decisions There is a vast community that seems to know all answers (including the ‘answer to everything’) Of course I don’t know a lot about how to stitch everything together in Laravel, but hopefully my previous PHP experience will help (or not).

Great Resources to Learn Javascript
· ☕ 1 min read
I have been on and off Javascript for a long time. It took me till 2018 to get back on track. I am not quite a beginner and no where near an expert, and can write BS till eternity. That makes me the best qualified person to enlighten you about how to ideally learn Javascript.