I had chosen Laravel as platform to create magic. I came to this decision after painful evaluation of many back-end frameworks to quickly build out applications.
- Laravel is easy to learn, implement and ship products
- Many features like auth, ORM are built in and I don’t really need to make my own stupid decisions
- There is a vast community that seems to know all answers (including the ‘answer to everything’)
Of course I don’t know a lot about how to stitch everything together in Laravel, but hopefully my previous PHP experience will help (or not).
Here are the learning resources that helped me immensely through my learning journey -
A lot of good materials for free. You can’t really make out which ones are paid content easily enough, but you will get the gist. By the time you complete the beginner courses, you should be wandering off to do things anyway. -
A 45 min introduction to Laravel essentials
Get practical experience running through creation of projects: Social network, Create eCommerce Store
Completed all of them? Good! Now, go do more projects.