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Create Beautiful, Performant Sites [Free eBook]

 ·   ·  ☕ 1 min read

I had been exploring Jekyll for quite sometime. I simply followed the below traditional, developer like approach -

  • download Ruby
  • download Jekyll
  • play around with platform capabilities - focus on Liquid
  • see how themes are created

However, I realised mid-way that select themes offer a good way for anyone to get started.

  • Just copy themes to your own repository
  • Edit content
  • Go-live on

This information is available to anyone who is remotely interested, but the conversation on such sites were not as prevalent as they should be.

So, I created a free book to introduce Jekyll platform to non-programmers and beginners. The book “Level-up your Websites using Jekyll” will take you through the process of creating a website quickly (and for free) by using themes.

Go through the book on GitHub.

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Prashanth Krishnamurthy
Prashanth Krishnamurthy
Technologist | Creator of Things