Typescript supports public
, private
and protected
modifiers that affect the accessibility of class in different ways.
Access modifiers further a core concept of object oriented programming - ‘encapsulation’. The accessibility of variables and members of a class are driven by modifiers and therefore controlled in the programming flow.
Let’s start with a simple class
Public modifier
All variables and members are public by default in Typescript.
So, I may as well type -
.. and no one will leave the chat.
Public variables and members are accessible by anybody outside the class.
Let’s add and test a method in the class -
Private modifier
Private modifiers are not accessible outside the class.
Private variables are accessed through members - if at all they need to be accessed.
Members behave the same way as variables. Private members are used to perform operations within the class.
Protected modifier
Protected members can be accessed within the class and by the derived classes. They cannot be accessed outside of that scope.
Protected variables and members are not accessible from extended-class instances as well as class instances.