Migrating Wordpress Sites Across Domains
· ☕ 7 min read
I recently had to pick up an old project on Wordpress and deploy the site on a CPanel server. So, I thought it was just the right time to document the steps needed to migrate Wordpress site from one host to the other, or from one domain to the other. While there are references to CPanel, the migration is almost the same for any control panels (or even when you don’t use one).

Fix Wordpress URL Migration Issues
· ☕ 3 min read
Wordpress is fantastic, except when it isn’t. There are a few scenarios in Wordpress where you would want to migrate from an existing URL (e.g. your localhost, http://domainname.com, or https//abc.com) to a new URL (e.g. https://domainname.com). You can end up with a confusing setup and a broken site if you don’t go by the book!

Two Clean Free Wordpress Themes
· ☕ 3 min read
I had been searching for modern but clean looking themes for one of my older Blogs. I had been using Sahifa earlier. Although the theme is good and does its job, Sahifa is not really pleasing to the eye. This is my opinion, of course. The way I see websites and Blogs has changed over time (hopefully for the good), and Sahifa did not fit the definition of a “clean”, “minimal” theme.